26-27 Aprilie
Înscrie-te pentru
26-27 Aprilie
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despre concurs
Dacă lași Urme pe Play, și plaiul lasă urme în tine!
Concursul „Urme pe play” se adresează tuturor iubitorilor de mișcare în natură. Vă invităm să vă bucurați de frumusețea munților Cindrel si Lotru, de mișcare și mâncare tradițională. Peisajele de la poalele Rășinariului la început de primăvară vă vor răsplăti tot efortul.
Vă așteptăm în data de 26.04 – 27.04 la evenimentele culturale, artistice și concurs!
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Vezi pozele noastre
race rout
about the
We would like to introduce one of the tracks that will be available for the race in High Village Park. It’s twenty miles of hard-to-reach forests, rocky cliffs and mountain rivers. In 2018, this route was recognized as one of the hardest in North America. All athletes must meet all the requirements of the Event’s sanctioning body (e.g., including but not limited to the sanctioning body’s licensing and/or insurance requirements).
membri echipei
Echipa de organizare
membri echipei
Echipa de organizare
Proiect finanțat prin agenda sportivă a comunei Rășinari și cofinanțat de Consiliul Județean Sibiu

Eveniment organizat de Asociația Clubul Sportiv Montan Sibiu
Vrei să ajuți?
Am stat de vorbă cu participanții
Întrebări frecvente
Motocross is a form of off-road motorcycle racing held on enclosed off-road circuits. The sport evolved from motorcycle trials competitions held in the United Kingdom.
Motocross is a form of off-road motorcycle racing held on enclosed off-road circuits. The sport evolved from motorcycle trials competitions held in the United Kingdom.
Motocross is a form of off-road motorcycle racing held on enclosed off-road circuits. The sport evolved from motorcycle trials competitions held in the United Kingdom.
Motocross is a form of off-road motorcycle racing held on enclosed off-road circuits. The sport evolved from motorcycle trials competitions held in the United Kingdom.
Motocross is a form of off-road motorcycle racing held on enclosed off-road circuits. The sport evolved from motorcycle trials competitions held in the United Kingdom.
Motocross is a form of off-road motorcycle racing held on enclosed off-road circuits. The sport evolved from motorcycle trials competitions held in the United Kingdom.