- These rules apply to participants in the children's and adult competition, "Urme pe Play".
The event will take place in Rășinari Commune, Sibiu county, the venue of the event being the space in front of the Cultural Centre and is organized by Asociația Clubul Sportiv Montan Sibiu.
1. Race characteristics
“Urme pe Play” is a sub-mountain running competition.
The route follows marked trails in Rășinari and the foothills of the Cindrel and Lotru mountains. The running surface of the trails is made up of: asphalt, forest roads, mostly natural paths and pastures, i.e. grass and earth. The minimum age for registration is 14 years for the "Fuguț" race and 18 years for the Cross, Semi, Marathon and Ultra Marathon. Young people under 14 can participate in the children's races organized especially for them. All participants are required to fill in the online registration form and the declaration of their own responsibility, which certifies that they are aware of the conditions and rules of the competition. In the case of minors, the form must be completed by a parent or legal guardian confirming that he/she is willing to participate in the running competition.
2. Obligations of the participants
Participarea la “Urme pe Play” se face pe proprie răspundere, în deplină cunoștință a aptitudinii de a participa la eveniment, a stării de sănătate fizică şi mentală. Fiecare participant este responsabil pentru propria securitate şi siguranță. Organizatorul, partenerii, sponsorii, voluntarii şi personalul care participă la realizarea evenimentului nu sunt responsabili pentru orice fel de rănire sau pagube de orice natură care pot surveni în timpul sau ca urmare a desfășurării evenimentului. Fiecare participant trebuie să semneze la preluarea numărului de concurs o declarație de proprie răspundere prin care își asumă riscurile ce pot rezulta din participarea la “Urme pe Play”. Participanții au obligația de a asculta și de a respecta indicațiile/instrucțiunile organizatorului și ale personalului de concurs. Pachetul de înscriere nu poate fi expediat prin poștă în avans. Organizatorul poate interzice luarea startului sau continuarea cursei pentru orice participant, dacă acesta se prezintă în stare de ebrietate, este sub efectul substanțelor dopante sau este în stare de slăbiciune evidentă, boală, epuizare fizică sau psihică.
Running the route requires experience and some knowledge, such as:
- each participant to have at least a general experience of running competitions, being phisically fit;
- each participant to have technical knowledge of approaching an unmarked trail through the forest;
- each participant to be able to safely ascend and descend a steep slope in difficult conditions;
- each participant should show fair play and act accordingly when the situation demands it;
- every participant should be aware and have an attitude which takes into account the fact that no matter how many safety measures the organisers take, all the risks resulting from the nature of the competitions, the environment and the conditions in which they take place are not and cannot be covered;
- each participant must be aware that no prize is above his or her health and life and/or that of other participants and act accordingly to protect themselves when they sense or observe danger.
Possible dangers:
- Slip accidents due to terrain
- Animal attack - dogs or bears
- Car accidents on asphalt roads
- Frostbite, hypothermia
- Sunstroke, dehydration
- Any incident should be reported by calling +40799312072 or directly to 112 or the mountain rescue service.
3. Registration of competitors
Înscrierile se vor face doar online completând formularul de înscriere pus la dispoziție de organizator.
No registration on the day of the competition and one week before the event. This measure is taken in order to optimize the use of logistical resources, to avoid waste or lack of products or services for registered competitors. (For example, estimating food for the food points, brunch, medals, t-shirts etc.).
Entries are limited and will be capped as follows:
- Kids Race: 100 places
- Fuguț: 100 places
- Cross: 250 places
- Semi: 250 places
- Marathon: 100 places
- Ultra: 100 places
If these numbers have been reached, there will be no further entries in that category.
4. Participation fee (RON)
The participation fee can only be paid by credit card directly from the event website urmepeplay.ro upon registration.
In case of no-show at the start, abandonment or withdrawal for any reason whatsoever, the entry fee will not be refunded, nor will it be transferred to another participant, nor will it be valid for a subsequent competition, nor will the registration kit be available for collection at a later date. In case of cancellation of the competition in case of force majeure or for reasons beyond the organizer's control, the entry fee will not be refunded. The organizer will not bear any additional costs of the participants (transport, accommodation, meals, etc.).
Start Date | End Date | Cross | Semi | Marathon | Ultra | Kids 7 - 9 | Kids 10 - 13 | Kids 4 - 6 | Fuguț |
1 Ian 2025 | 7 Ian 2025 | 120 | 150 | 180 | 200 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 100 |
8 Ian 2025 | 1 Apr 2025 | 150 | 180 | 190 | 220 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 120 |
2 Apr 2025 | 15 Apr 2025 | 180 | 190 | 220 | 260 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 150 |
A fee of 50 RON is charged for changing the type of race the participant initially opted for (Fuguț/Cross/Semi /Marathon/Ultra ), plus any difference due to different registration fees. If the transfer is to a shorter course, the difference is not refundable. These changes are allowed up to 5 days before the event, after that they cannot be accepted.
Cash prizes will be awarded to the top five places in the Open (amateurs and professionals will not be differentiated).
There will be a classification by category for each event which will be awarded with a trophy and a diploma. Those awarded in the Open will not be entered in the age category.
If an age category has less than 3 participants, it is merged with another age category.
Please note that the prizes will be handed out in person during the award ceremony and the beneficiary's signature will be required in order to receive them. Attendance at this ceremony is mandatory to receive the award.
5. Participation categories
*The age of the participants, reached on the date of the competition, is taken into account.
Cross | Semi | Marathon | Ultra | Fugut | |||||
F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 14-17 | 14-17 |
18-29 | 18-29 | 18-29 | 18-29 | 18-39 | 18-39 | 18-39 | 18-39 | 18-39 | 18-39 |
30-39 | 30-39 | 30-39 | 30-39 | 40+ | 30-39 | 40+ | 40-49 | 40+ | 40+ |
40-49 | 40-49 | 40-49 | 40-49 | - | 40-49 | - | 50+ | - | - |
50+ | 50-59 | 50-59 | 50-59 | - | 50+ | - | - | - | - |
- | 60+ | 60+ | 60+ | - | - | - | - | - | - |
6. Prizes
Cash prizes are awarded to the top 5 places in the open (amateur or professional) for:
- Semi race, males
- Semi race, females
- Cross race, males
- Cross race, females
- Marathon race, males
- Marathon race, females
- Ultra race, males
- Ultra race, females
Race | 1st place | 2nd place | 3rd place | 4th place | 5th place |
Cross | 800 | 560 | 400 | 240 | 160 |
Semi | 1000 | 700 | 500 | 300 | 200 |
Marathon | 1300 | 910 | 650 | 390 | 260 |
Ultra | 1500 | 1050 | 750 | 450 | 300 |
7. Competition procedures
7.1. Technical meeting
The technical session will be available on video on the competition website https://www.urmepeplay.ro/en/sedinta-tehnica/.
În cursul ședinței tehnice participanții vor fi informați asupra traseului, porțiunilor periculoase, eventualelor modificări, precum şi a regulilor de comportament pe care participanții sunt obligați să le respecte. O altă ședinţa tehnică va fi ţinută și la linia de start, pentru a răspunde la eventuale întrebări.
This will take place on the competition date 30 minutes before the start of each race.
7.2. Timing
Timing is done to the second, using an electronic system. Each participant will wear a number, which is not transferable. It is the responsibility of the participants to wear the correct competition number (on the front).
7.3 Time limit
The time limit for the cross route is 4:00 hours from the start which will be at 10:00 and 14:00 respectively.
The time limit for the Semi route is 6:00 hours from the start which will be at 9:30 and 15:30 respectively.
The time limit for the Marathon route is 8 hours from the start which will be at 9:00 and 17:00 respectively
The time limit for the Ultra route is 10 hours from the start which will be at 08:00 and 18:00 respectively.
7.4 Intermediate time limit
The purpose of these times is to spare as much as possible the volunteers who have to wait at checkpoints and feeding points, sometimes even in difficult weather conditions. In order to protect both them and the runners we have set some time barriers to eliminate the possibility of unnecessarily prolonging the duration of exposure in the mountain environment. If a runner does not fall within a time barrier, they will be directed to the lower route* in terms of distance and will be given their time. They will not be eligible for a podium finish in the new race even if their time places them in the top 3.
If a participant refuses to abandon the chosen route despite being out of time, they will be allowed to complete the route outside of the official competition and at their own risk. They will have to hand in their number to remove it and will no longer benefit from the support of the closing runner or the support services at the checkpoints and feeding points.
Intermediate times:
POI | Time limit | Alt. | Dist. | D+ | D- | Dist. | D+ | D- |
Start | 09:30 | 571 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MGS | ora 13:15 time: 3:45 | 1145 | 7.5 | 680 | 136 | 7.5 | 680 | 136 |
POI | Time limit | Alt. | Dist. | D+ | D- | Dist. | D+ | D- |
Start | 08:00 | 571 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MGS* | 10:30 o'clock time: 2:30 | 1145 | 7.5 | 680 | 136 | 7.5 | 680 | 136 |
Berali* | 11:30 o'clock time: 3:30 | 1087 | 14.5 | 1200 | 707 | 7 | 520 | 568 |
POI | Time limit | Alt. | Dist. | D+ | D- | Dist. | D+ | D- |
Start | 09:00 o'clock | 571 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MGS* | 11:30 o'clock time: 2:30 | 1145 | 7.5 | 680 | 136 | 7.5 | 680 | 136 |
Berali | 12:30 o'clock time: 3:30 | 1087 | 14.5 | 1200 | 707 | 7 | 520 | 568 |
7.5 Race number
Collection of the competition number and the registration packet is done on the basis of the affidavit and identity card or a copy thereof, at the locations and times set by the organizer, according to the information published on the website and the information by e-mail.
The competition number must be placed in the front so that it is visible throughout the competition.
The number must not be cut or altered in any way during the competition.
All participants are required to present their ID at the time of registration, to fill in the entry form under their own responsibility and to sign a copy of the rules. By participating in this competition, competitors automatically accept the competition rules.
For persons under 18 years of age, the signed consent of the parent or legal guardian is additionally required.
It is forbidden to enter with a competition number other than your personal number
Transferring the competition number to another competitor or using a false competition number is considered a serious circumvention of the rules and endangers the work of the organizers and the participants who respect the rules and those around them. It is therefore considered a very serious misconduct which may lead to the disqualification of the person(s), a ban on participation in any future competition and the refusal to award any possible prize resulting from participation.
7.6 Collecting the registration kit
Numărul de concurs se va ridica
începând cu 2 zile înainte de eveniment, locația exactă și intervalul orar vor fi anunțate în săptămâna evenimentului.
The day before the competition in Rășinari between 16:00 - 20:00
în ziua evenimentului, începând cu ora 7:00 de la pavilionul special amenajat în zona de start/sosire din Rășinari.
7.7 Removal from the competition
The organiser/race closer reserves the right to stop a participant in the following cases:
- was injured after the start and is unable to continue the race;
- did not meet the pre-announced time limits for certain points on the route;
- appear to be outside the time limit or are having visible difficulty finishing any of the races.
- in exceptional cases.
Any participant who is unable or unwilling to continue the race for any reason must inform the organisers immediately at the start, checkpoints, finish or by calling the emergency numbers +40799312072.
Failure to announce withdrawal from the competition may result in a search and rescue operation (rescue teams, mountain rescue, etc.) at the expense of the participant involved. Withdrawal will be confirmed by signature on the referee sheet. Any participant who withdraws will be assisted as to the best route back to the Start/Stop, but is responsible for his/her own transportation, the route he/she will use and actions following the time and place of withdrawal.
7.8 Checkpoints
Mandatory checkpoints are located along the route. Participants who fail to pass through a checkpoint for any reason will be disqualified.
7.9 Mandatory equipment
As “Urme pe play” is a competition that takes place in the sub-alpine area in April, we have to respect the vagaries of the weather and consider two equipment options depending on the route and weather conditions forecast at the time of the event. We will call them the SUMMER variant respectively the WINTER variant. The organiser will announce 3 days before the event which variant will become mandatory.
SUMMER variant:
- Sports shoes with profiled sole
- Waterproof jacket/Windbreaker
- Water bottle - mandatory as there will be no plastic or disposable cups at the filling points or at the start/finish
WINTER variant:
- Summer variant +
- Gloves
- Cap/Band/Hat
- Long-sleeved blouse (or shirt + sleeves combination)
- Long trousers/shorts + long socks (whole leg covered)
- Emergency blanket
We also recommend for both versions:
- Running bag / backpack
- Trekking poles
- Buff
- Whistle
- Phone with charged battery
* Equipment is mandatory throughout the competition. Equipment may be checked by the organisers and referees both before the start of the competition and during the competition. Missing an item of equipment will result in disqualification or penalty.
7.10 Start of the race
It will be given from the Cultural Center square as follows:
Saturday 26.04.2025
- Ultra - 08:00, awards ceremony at 18:00
- Marathon - 09:00, awards ceremony at 17:00
- Cultural program - details coming soon
- Semi - 09:30, awards ceremony at 14:00
- Cros - 10:00, awards ceremony at 14:00
- Fuguț - 10:10, awards ceremony at 14:00
- Kids race:
- 4-6 years - 16:00, awards ceremony at 17:00
- 7-9 - 16:15, awards ceremony at 17:00
- 10-13 - 16:30, awards ceremony at 17:00
7.11 Route
The event is an outdoor competition. The route is unpaved and unprotected, mostly through the forest, using public roads, marked and unmarked trails, etc. Some parts of the route may be considered difficult. The organiser may change the route for various reasons, which include: weather conditions, safety, traffic restrictions, etc. Changes will be announced at technical meetings or by email before the start of the race. On the day of the event there will be a presentation of the route, it can be followed on the competition website https://www.urmepeplay.ro/en/sedinta-tehnica/. A technical meeting will be held 30 minutes before the start of each race for clarifications and questions if necessary.
7.12 Sanctions
- missing an item of mandatory equipment - 30min penalty
- missing a checkpoint - disqualification
- shortening the route - disqualification
- non-compliance with competition rules - disqualification
- unsportsmanlike conduct towards other participants, officials, volunteers, referees, public, other persons - disqualification
- altering or changing competition numbers - disqualification and a ban from participating in any future organized event.
- leaving trash, packaging, equipment, on the course and/or deliberately destroying the environment and course markings will result in disqualification and a ban from participating in any future event.
8. Change of route, other decisions on the conduct of the competition
- The organiser can change the route at any time or cancel/stop the competition if it cannot be run safely.
- Supporters may support any competitor provided they respect the rules of conduct, the instructions of the authorities and/or officials and do not hinder the competition.
- No outside help (supporters, spectators, etc.) is allowed during the competition routes, except in special cases and at the feeding points, where competitors can receive other food or liquids in addition to drinks, fruit and energy food provided by the organisers.
- All decisions will be made by the competition committee or competition director.
- In case of force majeure, the organisers may decide to change the route or schedule. In exceptional circumstances it may even be decided to postpone or cancel the race.
- The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the information displayed on the website, the rules or the schedule, etc. These changes will be notified to the participants at least 5 days before the competition or at the latest when the competition numbers are collected.
9. Appeals
- Any appeals will be communicated to the officials immediately after the results are posted (results will be available online at www.urmepeplay.ro and on the competition facebook page). The appeal must be submitted in writing accompanied by the amount of 100 Ron. If the appeal is accepted, the amount of money will be refunded. Otherwise the fee will be retained.
- No appeals will be accepted 30 minutes before, during or after the award of the category to which it refers.
10. To remember
The organizer is a non-profit, non-commercial association with no employees. "Urme pe Play" competition is not a product or service offered for a fee, but is an amateur sporting event whose organisation and running is made possible exclusively by the participation contributions of competitors, the contributions of sponsors/partners, as well as our passion for movement in nature, work outside of permanent jobs and the dedication of our volunteers.
11. Anti-bullying code
11.1 Description of the values of respect, tolerance, care, courage
Respect is the attitude or feeling of appreciation, esteem and consideration for a person, idea or institution. It can be expressed verbally or through gestures. Respect is a moral value that manifests itself in many ways. Respect means being polite and courteous to others. Respect is also seen in the way we speak, showing understanding, fairness, punctuality, appreciation and concern for the behaviour and feelings of others. Respect is shown not only to oneself or to other people, but also to the community. Respect for the community can be shown by: knowing the achievements and promoting the traditions of the community, proudly wearing the name and folk costume.
Tolerance is a social, ethical and religious term applicable to a community or individual, which defines respect for the freedom of others, their way of thinking and behaving, and their opinions of any kind (political, religious, etc.). Tolerance can be understood in different ways:
- It can be adopted provisionally as a concession, as a tactical manoeuvre.
- It can represent acceptance or permission as a form of disinterest.
- True tolerance, in the humanist spirit, means more than mere "tolerance" in the original sense, it implies respect for the contrary opinion and is closely linked to the freedom of the person. Tolerance means respecting the decisions of other people, groups, peoples, religions, other ways of thinking and points of view, other lifestyles and ways of life. Thus, ensuring the need for a spirit of tolerance goes far beyond the narrow field of politics.
- Another view says that tolerance means allowing something that could be suppressed. This view is adopted by specialists in various persuasive techniques and information warfare.
Care is the special interest, the concern for someone or something, the attention paid to a being, a problem.
Courage, also known as bravery, willpower and boldness, is the ability to face fear, pain, risk, danger, uncertainty or intimidation. "Physical courage" is courage in the face of physical pain, hardship, death or the threat of death, while "moral courage" is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, indignation or discouragement.
11.2 Description of types of violence
Psychological violence - bullying is the action or series of physical, verbal, relational and/or cyber actions, in a social context difficult to avoid, committed with intent, involving an imbalance of power, resulting in the violation of dignity or the creation of an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive atmosphere, directed against a person or a group of persons and targeting aspects of discrimination and social exclusion, which may relate to membership of a particular race, nationality, ethnic group, religion, social or disadvantaged group or to beliefs, sex or sexual orientation, personal characteristics, action or series of actions, behaviour which takes place in educational establishments and in all places of education and training.
Physical violence is physical violence by a preschooler/student touching/harming another child or group of children, physical intimidation of the victim, destruction of personal property belonging to the victim.
Possible forms of manifestation: pushing, pulling hair, twisting arms, bruises, burns, beatings, punching, slapping or kicking, throwing various objects at the victim, hitting walls, using objects as weapons, etc.
Cyber psychological violence or cyberbullying consists of actions that are carried out via internet networks, computer, tablet, mobile phone and may include elements of online harassment, along with illegal and/or offensive content that refers to any technology-mediated behaviour identified in the space of social media, websites, messaging. This form of violence is not limited to repeated behaviours such as: emails, posts, messages, pictures, videos with abusive/offensive/offensive content, it also means deliberate exclusion/marginalisation of a child in the online space, breaking a personal email account password, carried out on online social media groups and networks or through other forms of online electronic communication.
Emotional bullying is the repeated exposure of a child to situations whose emotional impact exceeds his or her capacity for psychological integration. In this situation, the emotional abuse comes from a person who is in a relationship of trust, responsibility or power with the child. In concrete terms, a situation of emotional abuse can take the form of verbal and/or non-verbal humiliation, intimidation, threats, bullying, restriction of freedom of action, denigration, unfair accusations, discrimination, ridicule and other hostile or rejecting attitudes towards the child. If emotional abuse is repetitive and sustained, it can lead to damage to various levels of the child's psyche, such as personality structure, affect, cognition, adjustment, perception, becoming psychological abuse, which has more serious and long-term consequences for the child's development;
Sexual violence, as a possible form of psychological violence - bullying, consists of degrading comments with sexual connotations, insults, indecent proposals made to the victim, inappropriate touching;
Aggressive behaviour - a type of behaviour by a pupil that is offensive, humiliating or destructive and causes moral, psychological and/or material harm to another child or group of children.
12.3 Other definitions
The pre-schooler/student-victim is the child who has suffered harm or injury to life, health or mental and/or physical integrity as a result of violence committed by another child or adult;
Pre-schooler/student-witness refers to the pre-schooler/student who has indirectly suffered emotional and/or psychological abuse by witnessing violence against another child;
Reporting a situation of violence is the process by which such a situation, manifested on a child, is brought to the attention of authorities empowered to take measures in the interest of both the child victim or witness and the child with an aggressive behaviour, and then to ensure or facilitate access to specialized services in order to rehabilitate the physical and mental health;
The multidisciplinary and inter-institutional team is the team made up of different professionals, such as the teacher, the school counsellor, the medical staff of the educational establishment, the social worker, the family doctor, the specialist doctor, the police officer, the magistrate, etc., who are in direct contact with the child and are empowered within the framework of case management with the responsibility to carry out, each one individually, specific activities in the best interest of the child;
Case management is a process that involves a multidisciplinary and inter-agency team working through a number of interrelated stages such as identification, flagging, initial assessment, detailed assessment, planning of specialist and support services, delivery of services and interventions, monitoring and regular reassessment of progress, specialised decisions and interventions, and the end of process phase with post-service follow-up and case closure to assist children in vulnerable situations, including child victims of psychological violence - bullying, bystanders and children displaying aggressive behaviours, with the aim of their individualised rehabilitation. The case manager, in situations of violence against children, is appointed by the Directorate-General for Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC).
12.4 Educational and disciplinary measures that can be applied in bullying situations
Strategies and plans to ensure and maintain an appropriate social climate, an essential condition for preventing and combating bullying, by:
- implementing policies to prevent and combat bullying;
- debates, focus groups, proposals, aimed at reducing bullying;
- Investigation of the climate, by applying specific questionnaires with the aim of internal self-regulation of the educational institution;
- Include in the discussions at least one topic that presents the issues of bullying and cyberbullying.
In order to optimise the prevention of psychological violence - bullying, an anti-bullying action group is created with the role of preventing, identifying and resolving acts of bullying, through physical, verbal, relational and/or cyber actions.
The implementation of the anti-bullying plan includes:
- information and awareness-raising activities on bullying
- internal communication and information measures on procedures for preventing, identifying, reporting and intervening in bullying situations;
- proceduri de intervenţie în situaţiile de violenţă psihologică – bullying;
- empowering staff to intervene immediately in reported or identified cases of bullying;
- organising activities, such as competitions, forum theatre, etc., to encourage respect for values and the anti-bullying mission, participating in identifying, mediating or reporting bullying situations;
- activities to measure the impact of the actions contained in the anti-bullying plan and the effectiveness of the action group
Activities to prevent psychological violence - bullying are carried out by:
- implementation of a plan to prevent and combat violence, programmes/projects/campaigns aimed at increasing the cohesion of the group of children and the child-adult community, awareness of the consequences of psychological violence - bullying, elimination of the causes/risks/vulnerabilities that could lead to such behaviour;
- carrying out information and awareness-raising activities in collaboration with other institutions or specialists with expertise in the field;
- fostering a climate that encourages positive, non-violent and supportive attitudes between members of the pre-school/pupil and adult community, learning and practising empathy, win-win interactions, involving the participation of pre-school/pupils of all ages in all decisions that affect them and promoting peer-to-peer actions between pre-school/pupils;
- promoting democratic relations between children and adults through tolerance, respect, inclusion and solidarity;
- implementation of administrative-organisational measures that contribute to the creation of a physically and emotionally safe environment, promotion of teamwork, setting up of study groups, in accordance with legal provisions;
- staff training in personal development and the use of positive discipline methods.